Are Reading and Brighton In Midst of Buy-To-Let Boom?

Reading and Brighton In Midst of Buy-To-Let Boom
10 November 2014

HSBC has conducted recent research exposing Reading and Brighton as win-win investments for landlords with an ever-increasing array of property owners electing to buy affordable properties in the areas whilst letting them out to renters priced out of the capital. The buy-to-let boom sits comfortably with innovative online letting agency LetBritain which is perfectly placed to unite prospective renters with landlords across the country.


The exciting finds reveal that investors placed across the Reading and Brighton constituencies have seen the largest increase on their returns this past year with yields up by over 12% in the bustling commuter towns, with Southampton placed as the ideal city for landlords to make a monthly return. The figures, divulged by the Land Registry and were analysed by HSBC yielding dynamic, promising results for landlords investing in the areas. Within London itself, the borough of Newham retains the highest number of privately rented properties earning landlords in the area a 6% yield.


Fareed Nabir, Founder of LetBritain, said, “Brighton has always been much loved as a colourful, storybook city with a relaxed, charming way of life whilst Reading is renowned for festivals and its edgy youth culture. Both cities have proven to be wildly successful prospects for landlords but also very promising places for students and young professionals looking to rent but unable to afford a place in London. Landlords are experiencing the benefits of a mass exodus from London for those unable to keep up with costs, as letters migrate to more affordable towns just beyond the city.”


LetBritain enables landlords and letters to capitalise on the recent boom by searching for their ideal property using the site’s easy search criterion including radius, property type and the number of bedrooms. Landlords can effortlessly connect with letters by uploading their property details and photos and liaising directly with tenants online, eliminating the need for a middle man. The paperless process quickens the procedure enabling properties to be let within a matter of days, particularly those in highly sought after locations such as Reading and Brighton.


Mr Nabir added, “We believe that online letting is the way of the future. It’s easier, more efficient, faster and garners satisfied parties on both sides. With Brighton and Reading situated as real hot spots right now, we’ve got a range of properties for those looking to move into the area to browse at their fingertips and as we are open 24-7, there is really no wrong time to get started on the search for a dream property whether it is in Brighton, Reading or beyond.”